Official Arizona Chat Thread


Official AZ9thGenSi list as follows: Updated 01/17/2014

3) Killfast00
4) Si_Senor_Leo
5) Vinney1138
6) obd1-5thgen
7) CommandoX
8) el si
9) Koffee Bean
10) TeufNeph
11) StormTrooper
12) wallabee09
13) red racer
14) R18panda
15) Br3TT
16) Canadian Taffy
17) David M
18) foil
19) fb6_avery
20) tucked_fg4
21) mikegoe
22) 13_PMM_SI
23) k-power
24) CompaaJarret

I get off work at 6pm tonight. So I will send @Vinney1138 , @PASCIAK , @TeufNeph , & @Vtec4LiFe a text when I get off work so I can find out if you guys have left South Mountain or not by 6pm. Would be cool if I could meet up with everybody before we roll into Pavillions that would be cool as a group.
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It was good seeing and meeting everyone tonight, look forward to the next one!
Turbo Si was sick on the drive to the pavs! :)
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Thank you everyone who came out tonight, it was fun hanging out with everyone and meet acouple new people and add a few more to the crew. cant wait till the 1st of February for the show