Official NC Chat Thread

- It

:bananapop: :waiting:

:rotfl:Is that a real product? Rob Dyrdek and Ken Block are some messed up looking guys. Are they related? They look so much alike It's hard to imagine that they aren't.
yeah, they did a contest for charity with Tag body spray - (Rob, Ludacris, & Carmelo Anthony)
is ken your fav person as well? You may become best friends with bootyluvr

Like everybody else I think his gymkhana vids are cool, and I love the amount of rally awareness he's brought to NASCAR addicted Americans (well...brought to their kids anyways), but there's just something about him that irritates the crap out of me. I don't hate him, but whenever I see his face, then hear his permastoned sounding voice I just roll my eyes. It wouldn't matter if he was announcing to the world that he just figured out how to: 1.Make lightspeed travel possible 2.Created a cost effective real deal lightsaber we could buy at Wal Mart 3. Ended world hunger and created world peace 4.Ended the need for money AAAAAAAAND 5. Found a way to make engine oil out of dirt...he would still irritate the piss out of me.

Now if he asked me for my dream Honda bulid sheet...built it, gave it to me, then asked for my next dream Honda build sheet and repeated the process a few times...I guarantee my attitude would change considerably. :bleh:
Like everybody else I think his gymkhana vids are cool, and I love the amount of rally awareness he's brought to NASCAR addicted Americans (well...brought to their kids anyways), but there's just something about him that irritates the crap out of me. I don't hate him, but whenever I see his face, then hear his permastoned sounding voice I just roll my eyes. It wouldn't matter if he was announcing to the world that he just figured out how to: 1.Make lightspeed travel possible 2.Created a cost effective real deal lightsaber we could buy at Wal Mart 3. Ended world hunger and created world peace 4.Ended the need for money AAAAAAAAND 5. Found a way to make engine oil out of dirt...he would still irritate the piss out of me.

Now if he asked me for my dream Honda bulid sheet...built it, gave it to me, then asked for my next dream Honda build sheet and repeated the process a few times...I guarantee my attitude would change considerably. :bleh:

He's just so sterotypically "American." Whenever I see him I just think, "This is what the rest of the world thinks an American is like." I have to kind of like him though because my favorite rally driver, Markko Martin, coaches him.
Meh....he is aight. Don't really pay much attention to the guy, just the vids.
Foust would be a good match for you.....same height. Munchkins FTW!

He's just so sterotypically "American." Whenever I see him I just think, "This is what the rest of the world thinks an American is like." I have to kind of like him though because my favorite rally driver, Markko Martin, coaches him.

Perfectly said.

Foust would be a good match for you.....same height. Munchkins FTW!

Indeed. :rotfl:
Are any of you guys going to the Dragon Meet? Also, are any of you 9th Gen owners or do you guys mostly know each other from the 8th?
Oh, I know...I know...;)

I know Porter and the Brown brothers so I've heard about how epic the Dragon and ya'll are. (Which is why I thought to find when I got my car.) I know it'd be cool and I'm jealous!

Excuse time --> I've just got too much travel in September and... :oops: I'm still learning to drive my car. I'll try harder to make it to one in the Spring with my little 9th gen ninja!