Official Orlando Chat Thread

for those of you whom haven't seen Headquarter Honda's building yet... this was a perfect shot i took w/ my cell about a week ago. cloudless beautiful day in Clermont.

love this photo :omg:

HQ Honda bldg.JPG
^ Joey are you insinuating that someone has a first born coming soon???? :iough:
Your comment was directed towards Robert = his first born as you stated "your"


your would be anyone that has a child... anyone that reads the post. not just a guy whom owns a BMW. you're reading too far into the situation Brett :pat:
but you posted it as a response to do you know something that they don't? do tell :rotfl:
According to Joey..........

Congratulations Robert!

A new stig will rise up!
I would report Joey for spreading false information.

Are you sure your middle finger is the only thing that is rising up???? :eyebrows:

It passes the day well when I'm not face first in books..

Plus Bartholemew is an easy target.. and I'm sure the feeling is reciprocated lol
who is this Bartholemew character you speak of? Joo know him? :giggle: