Official 'What did you do to your car today?' Thread

Guys..I almost went empty on my tank and the gas station has only 87, is it gonna kill having it in there for only not even a full tank? I only put $20

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Won’t hurt it. The car is designed to adjust air/fuel/timing to avoid knock.
How’s she driving?
She drives. Brakes feel funny. They're bled and they grab but there's a little play at the top of the pedal stroke, like a half inch of play in the linkage. Otherwise, under normal and hard braking, it's fine.

Did a round of the bedding process. Lol. My buddy was like I've never bedded brakes this aggressively. I told him the instructions were 60-10 at threshold, repeat. Man they stink.
I was reading the bedding directions for the kit u have. Seems a little rough. get darkened later this week. Then the car is done for a while on the mods list.
Got my new windshield banner up. Just a lil touch to dress it up...
Lol. Yeah, you lose at least 30% of your endurance. Lolol