Well-Known Member
Traffic has been terrible to and from work since I've gotten the car, I basically drive 40 minutes home in first gear the whole way. I'm hoping that the traffic, winter gas and brand new motor are to blame but man... i drove my maxima under the same conditions and it was getting 11L/100km, whereas my civic gets 12 at best. I just cant understand how my brand new civic is worse than a messed up 12 yr old v6. Hopefully it improves soonIs the traffic slower due to the weather, are you letting it warm up past 30 sec., do you sit in traffic/drive throughs, are you playing with where the power points are while driving, do you speed from one light to the other??????????
All of these will drain your mileage. I'm not sitting in a cold spot but my winter mileage only drops about 3-5 from summer, low has been 30mpg - high 36 town ; 36 - 45 highway.