Post Something Positive.......

GS. I'm not too confident about that standardized personality survey however. :sadbanana: We'll just have to see how it goes.
hang in there.. as long as you didn't answer you had no issues with coworkers stealing and whatnot, you should get a call.
Working at Best Buy.... :bleh:

Geek Squad Liz?? You are familiar with PC's and stuff?? :think:
I don't picture Liz being technology savvy (no offense). Why don't I? I don't know.. Just don't picture her working on PC's. Maybe food (Food Fapping lol)
I almost went back to work at the BB for the holidays. They changed up their emp discount program too much to make it worth it again. I didn't mind the extra cash but couldnt keep pulling the 70+ hour weeks.

Now you can only get "up to 50% off" any item. It used to be so sick you wouldn't believe it.

I will say I still think they are a good company to work for. The management of your particular store will definitely affect how good it is though.

P.S. If you are looking to outfit a house with appliances it is dead worth it. Appliance discount remains.... unfrickinreal.