Post up your fish tanks/aquariums!

oh boy. I got my dad some Von Rios..they're pretty cool. Get them some ghost shrimp :P

I just posted a bunch more fish pics on fb
I'm at 95% stocking for the 20 gallon upstairs so I wont be adding anything else unless I lose a fish.

For the tank downstairs I haven't figured out what else to add to the mix. Lake Malawi cichlids. I know they're going to have an attitude. I can't put a pleco in and they'll eat shrimp. I wanted a blue lobster but I've read one too many horror stories about them killing fish while they sleep. Plus the big FLS here seems to have the most homicidal blue lobsters ever. Then tere is also the issue with how well will they make it in such an alkaline environment.
We have our male bristlenose pleco and he's done well with the cichlids.

We used to have an adult bristlenose pleco living with our aggressive firemouth cichlids. This went well until the babies were born and then one of the firemouths bit a big hole in her head and she died from trauma :(
Pic of the male bristlenose next to the golden severum.

I bought a 110 a few weeks back and plan on migrating the fish from the 55 into the 110.
It's in good condition, but I believe the build date was in the early 90s. Would you recommend resealing? If so, any tips?
I will be making a DIY in the near future on this for my YouTube channel. It will consist of what is needed and prep to finishing. I will link it in this thread once it is posted.
As for used tanks, I personally don't want to clean 110 gallons of water so I strongly suggest a reseal.
God I love this. When I finally manage to buy my own place, I plan on having a tank in every room. It's always just made sense to me to have one in every room. :)

Christina the Cool, do you have any pictures of juvenile cichlids or fry? I love how goofy they look! :)
Thanks man. If I could I would get most of them in one room. Maybe one huge display tank for Livingroom/Den. It just makes water changes a whole lot easier.
I've thought about it but so far all the reading I've done so far is on freshwater planted and I'd like a salt tank. I'm a geology major with a deep love of all things rock so I tend to be very rock heavy.
I'm thinking about swapping my top two rocks around for lighting purposes or removing the fossil rock and replacing it with another. I have enough sandstone to decorate a 150 gallon tank. I really enjoy rockscaping.
I'm trying to figure out how I can make sure my baby bettas have food while we're gone for the wedding.
They're too small to eat the adult pellets so I can't really put one of the betta 7-day feeders in
I'm trying to figure out how I can make sure my baby bettas have food while we're gone for the wedding.
They're too small to eat the adult pellets so I can't really put one of the betta 7-day feeders in
Fish in the wild go weeks without feeding. Your bettas will be fine. You can buy some brine shrimp and just toss them in there. Hopefully it will ration.
They also sell auto feeders, you can load it up with crushed flake or crushed betta pellets.
I hate using those feeders...but it's worked in the past and the tank is cleaned as SOON as I get in the
I would have to hatch my brine shrimp..hmm i have them somewhere..but not enough time. I'll see what i can come up with. thanks lol