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It's going to be around 90 here as well. Summer time! Here we go!




Grip (not the camera), rubber lens hood, and two batteries for the T1i. I need the extra battery power. Lol.

I like the rubber hood because it's collapsible and easier to store than the plastic one. I might have to buy a diffuser for my external flash depending on my next few photographs that I will be taking this Friday.
Sto-Fen Diffuser FTW Shamless plug for a local company

I've been eye balling the Sto-Fen Omni Bounce. They are pretty cheap. If my pictures don't look good as I expect, then I'll get it or maybe this:


Where do you live?

Maryland here.

North NJ.
lol you could go cave exploring with that setup he's got. 3 off camera flash units with the umbrella! Just fire away in a cave and you'd be completely illuminated.
The gloves are so comfortable that I don't want to use it for working on my car. Lol.