Sleepy checkin in......:woot new site

:drooling: I'm thinking BBQ chicken...steamed peas and mac n cheese or something. We're still sorting through everything here at the apartment. Not much food wise LOL
Gonna have dill pickles for desert........Wifey and I are going to lego store on Sat.....:woot: love taking her with me for retail therapy




These are total display models, I will need to get really nice display shelves for them. I try to get wifey to help me build so we have something to do while I am healing.
I like building them myself...makes it last longer. Robert isn't a big fan of LEGOs though..seems to think they're a waste. I enjoy them though...Just can't afford them
Back when I was smoking weed like it was going out of style i was spending way to much money on that and never home. I think wifey can tolerate my crazy *** spending on legos. As well I am no longer spending a silly amount of cash on my car either. I need to keep my hands and mind busy otherwise I would go stir crazy just sitting at home. Wifey usually just helps with teh sorting, she drives me nuts when she can't figure something out so I show her the age range on the box and tell her to figure it out....I usally get told off when i point out the age thingy on the box.
:rotfl: the age range :giggle:
I wish I had the money to get tons of legos. Right now, I'm just trying to handle food, prescriptions and dr visits :giggle:
It was just up a year or two I was able to make it past a paycheck, without my med plan at work I would have no money for anything.