Sleepy checkin in......:woot new site


We miss you!!! <3 <3 :bighug: :bighug: :wave: :wave:

They haven't told you about the MRI yet? WTF
I am ok, just been keeping to myself the last little bit. I dont know why I havent gotten my results yet. I am hating dealing with the pain daily and hate taking the stupid pain meds that are not really helping. I feel like a dam junkie always going to the doctor to get more meds cause atm if i just stop I will end up in the hospital.
Well I'm glad you "checked" in with us. I know you don't have to "check-in" but I'm glad you are still alive. Sorry to see you still in pain though. :bighug:

You have called the hospital to ask about the MRI? Did they give you an update? It's been weeks hasn't it?! :omg: WTFBBQ...

Keep taking the meds since I don't want to see you in more pain/hurt worse!
man... I'd call the dr's office and see if you can get some type of update or appointment set to get results.. sorry
man... I'd call the dr's office and see if you can get some type of update or appointment set to get results.. sorry

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It should NOT be that long. I'm not sure how Canada's hospitals work tho..
My family doctor called the surgeon today, the MRI results have confirmed the herniation of disc L5. I also had comfirmed by my family doctor that my body is addicted to the stupid meds. I have an 7 hour time frame before withdrawals start. Doctor saw this first hand this afternoon when i was sitting with her. I told her i would have to get signed up for Detox after I am healed from the surgery....fml.
weening meds absolutely sucks... I'm truly sorry. Are they wanting to do surgery?
it did wonders last time, if it is an option than I will be signing up. Once I get out I am not going to leave my bed for a week unless I gotta go potty.
It will all work out Susan! Then you will be better than even and then you can come to the Dragon meet next year!! :excited:
Good Morning All:wavey:

Well I am back.......I started weening myself off the meds with the doctors help, I am on step 3 starting thursday and getting excited to get off these stupid meds. Surgery is not gonna happen instead i am getting nerve blocking needles done but still waiting for the appointment. Back pain is very little now except today since we had a major storm lastnight and the weather changed drastically......super hot to sorta warm......My head is more together now so i figured it was time to come back online