Sleepy checkin in......:woot new site

I figure once I get off these silly meds my weight will drop pretty quickly. I just have to get the weight off before my father arrives which is sometime in September.
Got home a bit ago from dinner. I'm just relaxing. Watching some TV since I have work in the AM.
Good Morning All:wavey:

Well I am back.......I started weening myself off the meds with the doctors help, I am on step 3 starting thursday and getting excited to get off these stupid meds. Surgery is not gonna happen instead i am getting nerve blocking needles done but still waiting for the appointment. Back pain is very little now except today since we had a major storm lastnight and the weather changed drastically......super hot to sorta warm......My head is more together now so i figured it was time to come back online

Welcome back Sleepeh!!! :bighug: