The rant thread

I'm doing OK so far, thanks. I stopped taking percoset, and am on Tylenol exclusively.

I believe it will be many more weeks before I am feeling "normal" again.

I hope you can get your issues under control soon. :sadface:

ooo you're switched to Tylenol now. It may take a while but hopefully you'll be feeling much better than you did before the surgery in no time!!

Me too. Soon I hope. Kinda part of why I made this thread. I always feel the need to rant when in pain LOL
It has been cold like that here too. It's great if you're inside all day and using nature as free ac..but i couldn't be out in it :rotfl:
advil has ibuprofin (you can buy straight iburpofin in stores)
aleve has naproxin (you can buy straight naproxin in stores)
excedrin has acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine
tylenol has acetaminophen

all 3 can solve headaches. Each works differently on people, and depends on other meds you may take.

have you had any caffeine lately?