Two explosions hit finish line of Boston Marathon

At least one police officer is dead from earlier this evening. One "suspect" is also being reported as dead. The "darker skinned" male is still loose, and they are taking positions around this one area. They've called in at least one bus to evacuate residents. They've called in for k9's to be on the scene. Currently have a perimeter with tactical teams in position....

about to do a house sweep... just said "we plan to wait for daylight to give ourselves an advantage as we do the sweep".

Soooo, it sounds like they're just going to hold a perimeter till daylight???
so they just did a press conference....

suspect #1 - shot
suspect #2 is at large (white baseball cap individual from the marathon)

1 mit police officer - killed
1 other police officer critically injured/shot - in hospital.
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one on the run is named by the Associated Press as Zokar Sarnav (sp) 19, from Cambridge, Ma. They also they both are from Russia.

Edit: yea i was way off on that spelling. Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev
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Whoa. This is serious. These guys I guess were from Chechnya but came here like 10 years ago. I saw this start last night and how it developed until 4:30 am EDT.
Boston Terrorists Trained at Local Martial Arts Schools
by: Phrost

As details about the subjects of last night's ongoing manhunt emerge, it has come to our attention that Tamerlan Tsarnaev- dead- and Jarhar Tsarnaev- on the run as of 10AM EST- have numerous connections within the MA MA community.
The older, now dead brother, Tamerlan, trained at Wai Kru Boston a Tapout affiliated gym. A boxer, Tamerlan recently took a semester off from his studies to train for a Golden Gloves tournament in UT in hopes of earning an Olympic team slot and citizenship, photos and details can be found in this photo essay by Johannes Hirn, "Will box for passport".
The younger brother, Jarhar Tsarnaev- again, still on the run as of 10AM EST- is known to have trained in the Boston area, though as of this posting we are not sure what schools he may have visited or regularly attended.
This story is very much developing and we will bring you updates as we get them. If any Bully in the Boston area has any information on these two, has trained with them or heard of them, by all means please share what you know.
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Apparently, the sister lives in West New York, NJ and there are cops/news stations in front of her apartment.
sounds like he's in a boat, and they're surrounding it as we speak. Tactical forces involved now...long guns on the 2nd floor of surrounding area. Person supposedly moving around in boat