USADA -bans Lance Armstrong for life, strips 7 Tour de France titles

I heard that if they wanted to give his tour wins to the cyclists who have yet to be suspected of doping youd have to look back to at least 15th place finisher.
Wow. That's really unfortunate... It's a shame someone in such an inspirational position went out of his way to lie to everyone for such a long time.
Yes, that is a good question-- how did Lance Armstrong hide or "mask" his doping activity? I did a quick google search to find out more about it. I would recommend you check out the following links and do more of your own research too:

thanks for posting those.. a real eye opener to have such testimony to the lengths he went to deceive everyone.. goodness
It's interesting though how baseball players linked to PEDs are getting votes to be in the MLB hall of fame. And it's been proven that they used PEDs....
at least here in the states its nowhere near as big a sport as baseball, without all that attention theres probably less scrutiny
It seems like a basic matter of principle not to reward someone that went out of his way to lie and deceive millions of people for years on end by condoning his behaviour as acceptable given that he raised money for cancer research and inspired people. He inspired people by cheating and that shouldn't be tolerated.
Then we have the ppl that like to do everything backwards....... Speaking in this case of whatever the org.'s name is, that wants to ban bicycling from the Olympics, like about every other sport doesn't have to be tested...... maybe they should ban all sports from the Olympics.
It's interesting though how baseball players linked to PEDs are getting votes to be in the MLB hall of fame. And it's been proven that they used PEDs....

i fully think some of these players should be in the hall, based on the simple fact that there was a closed/sealed record of over 100 current players who tested positive back in 2003 which led to the random testing CBA policy.
many of these players are not known to the public/media/HOF voters, so is it fair that they should be in when ppl who "got caught" arent?
i say you allow any player in, and just have a blurb about them on their plackard/or put them in a special wing denoted "the juice era" or something
it's a part of baseball history, regardless, and should be accepted as such.
baseball was DEAD before the big mac/sosa HR chase... literally DEAD... they revived baseball, then got thrown under the bus. should owners give back the billions they earned on marketing these stars?
i say embrace that they cheated, b/c everybody was doing it at the time.
i also say that any of those players who earned MVP's should be stripped of them at the same time, and retroactively given to the #2 vote getter (unless he was guilty too, then move down until somebody wasnt)

having said all of that, if you look back in the day, before testing, early 80's/etc you think some of those players werent using? they were.
you think back in the 50's, 60's, and 70's those players werent using things like amphetamines to boost their energy levels? come on.

cheating is part of every sport/every game. i'm not saying i agree with it, or that i embrace it, but it's part of the game.
a cheater who is highly skilled is still a highly skilled player.
barry bonds would have been HoF and arguably the best outfielder in the history of baseball even w/o his (alleged) steroids, but he still (allegedly) juiced.
And take away any "Mother-of-the-Year" awards from any mother that gave their child Ritalin.........
Silicone boobies and plastic surgery.
I believe Mr. McGuire is now a hitting coach for the Dodgers (?)

What is interesting about all of this. You could physically see that these baseball players were huge compared to a few years earlier. Yet nothing was said (or tested). Our hero Armstrong, He was tested daily (for sure in the Tour de France) and no substances were found. Baseball didn't take away McGuires or Bonds HR titles or records. Just interesting.