Welcoming new members

Hey guys, I'm Pat. I'm getting on here for my fiance Jess. She just bought this dyno blue 5spd to replace her 2010 crv. That replaced her 09' atomic blue 5spd coupe. We both want to learn as much as we can about these things, and perform worthwhile mods, as I'm a performance(diesel) junkie. Thanks



Here' the old 09'
Thanks guys. The car wasn't well recieved on 8th civic 2 years ago. A bunch of kids running thier yaps "truck status", and so on. Jess and I both like it here. Everyone is more than willing to offer up advice!
welcome to the site... ^ what he said. What have you done to your car so far?
Welcome.. Glad to have you with us...... Nice looking Coupe !
I think the coupe owners are becoming more and more outnumbered! lol.... welcome to the site :thumb:
thanks even though the coupes came with the ground effects i had to get the sedan they will 4sure be outnumbered i think lol