What are you having for dinner?

The sourdoughs from last week were delicious, Christina and Robert can attest to that as well i believe
******* amazing :drooling:


It was really amazing. I crisped it up nice in the oven just like he said and it was lovely. Nothing like a warm slice of homemade bread made with love :love: :giggle:
He sent me a link to this place that has sourdough starters, etc. He's a pro at this

My friend came over for dinner tonight and we decided to make an insane recipe that she found on Pinterest called, "Loaded Potato Mac and Cheese." It's basically macaroni and cheese topped with loaded potato skins. It took forever to make and I was a little skeptical but it ended up being amazing!
oh...another pinterest experiment tonight.


Nailed it! :pat:

yeah the photo is blurry...the oil got hotter than my thermometer and they were flaky grands.
They ended up raw in the middle. :rotfl: I threw them in the microwave for a bit after and cooked the middles but they got chewy. All in all it was just something to do with rolls that were going to expire :rotfl:
They weren't horrible...but yeah...
basically :rotfl:
I shouldn't have had one though...they have milk in them :hiding: I just had to try it.
With the right oil temps...proper inner cooking..and maybe some powdered sugar instead..they'd probably be pretty good

My friend came over for dinner tonight and we decided to make an insane recipe that she found on Pinterest called, "Loaded Potato Mac and Cheese." It's basically macaroni and cheese topped with loaded potato skins. It took forever to make and I was a little skeptical but it ended up being amazing!

It looks good but would **** my stomach up bad! Bad! Bad!! :-(