What are you having for dinner?


for 30 days. 3 times a day >_> im doin a b4 and after picture. hopefully ill lose my gut

I am doing the same thing ever since I bought the Omega VRT 350HD juicer. Although not drinking juice three times a day but the plan is to drink one in the morning and the evening. Have a "sensible" small lunch. I do go to the gym three days a week 2 hours at a time. An hour on cardio and rest on weight lifting. Really made a difference.

Good luck.
i tried it about 6 months ago just for 3 days straight nothing else but that and water and i threw up on the 3rd day. im assuming it shocked my system lol. im eating solid food once a day and slowly doing the juice only. yes i am throwing all that stuff into a juicer

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv3vEXy_EwU

Also you mentioned about the gut. Trick is keep sucking your belly in much as you can. Eventually it'll become a habit. Before you know you'll have a flat belly.
Yeah you can juice almost anything. You can even make real coconut milk with it! Only thing with my Omega juicer is that I have to be careful of hard nuts as it will screw the machine up. Other than that it will juice carrots without breaking a sweat.
I forgot to take a pic of the chicken when it was cooked. They're gone now. Lol.