What do you do at work? (pics)

@bauer311 The IT field can be cool, but there's a lot of hype, too. Most hypesters fail to mention how to get enough experience to get a decent position. Unfortunately for most of us, the way you get IT experience is serving time--

in a C A L L C E N T E R.

Thankfully my sentence was done as a EasyTech Technician (Staples version of Geek Squad), so I got to avoid the call center shiz. I probably wouldn't have made it had I done call center stuff. I really hate being strapped to a desk. I did a bit less that 5 years as an Staples Easy Tech On-Site Technician before I finally got into an enterprise role. So my entry to formal IT work was right into Tier 2 thank goodness.

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Thankfully my sentence was done as a EasyTech Technician (Staples version of Geek Squad), so I got to avoid the call center shiz. I probably wouldn't have made it had I done call center stuff. I really hate being strapped to a desk. I did a bit less that 5 years as an Staples Easy Tech On-Site Technician before I finally got into an enterprise role. So my entry to formal IT work was right into Tier 2 thank goodness.

Man, you lucked out!

I did a mix of both -- I got most of my experience being on-call, but for the brief year-long period before that, I had to make ends meet in a call center... man.

I wouldn't wish a life of call center support on my worst enemy. The cube I worked in was adjacent to a guy who had gotten so frustrated at a customer that he slammed his fists down on his desk and broke it in half. I think his name was Evan. I was laid off of that job years ago, and-- even though I was jobless--the day I got outta there is still in my top 10 favorite days. You're basically whatever company you work for's complaint taker and have to get talked down to all day by people who probably need to take a non-credit computer course before trying to use whatever software you support. Mine was Loan software-- so you already know what our primary demographic was like.

Worst but Best Moments looking back--

-Some old lady kept making weird innuendos over the phone in one of those dirty phone service voices-- the weekly replays were hilarious for that one.
-Had one guy try to teach me how to use Scottrade while I had to wait for authorization to remote in.
-Definitely had to ignore a guy on "The Hub" who thought I couldn't see his second screen while I was remoted in.
-Lots of background domestic violence over the phone -- somehow there would always be a crying kid nearby.
-Almost got duped into trying to open a sealed Bank PDF- that one was close!
-My favorite-- I had a lady call in with a functioning Windows 95 machine trying to install a very old version of our software on Floppy Disks. Her reasoning? To keep out the hackers. Nevermind that all of the forms would be outdated, and she'd have no way to come into compliance.

So yeah, phone support is a real hoot.
I haven’t updated this in a while...

If you fly a Boeing 787 and your beverage is cold, you’re welcome. If it’s supposed to be cold and it’s not, I have work to do.

It's cold because they put my beverage in ice :giggle:

Yeah I'd like to but if somehow my boss found out I'm screwed lol

I know. I'm just messing with ya :P