Who's from va beach area

Yeah there is a local meet on Fridays and Saturdays at Jenros in Virginia beach. The cops have been there a lot the last few weeks because of the dumb kids doing what they do. https://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF-8&q=jenros virginia beach&fb=1&gl=us&hq=jenros&hnear=0x89bac1e8fc1527a7:0x4161080a32e0173,Virginia Beach, VA&cid=0,0,516615622313568567&ei=B5zlUbbYGIayigKF2YGoBw&sqi=2&ved=0CKUBEPwSMAs
Do you have a fb account. Pm your link so I can send you the group stuff.
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Anyone trying to have a all honda meet somewhere in the va beach/hampton/Chesapeake/ Norfolk area just so we all know who belongs to which car?????
Anyone trying to have a all honda meet somewhere in the va beach/hampton/Chesapeake/ Norfolk area just so we all know who belongs to which car?????
Hey are in 757hondas on FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/322482534462980/ ? Join up if your not and add me https://www.facebook.com/brian.boyd.9003. I know I will be cruisin' with a FB6 this weekend but don't know where. They are trying to start meeting up in the city center parking garage in Hampton now Since the Depot keeps getting shut down by the popo.
I sent a request to join so im just waiting for reply. But good look if my intake comes in by then ill be there
I show up at jenros every once in awhile. :D
Jenros has been shut down! Do not show up there for any reason. Cops are patrolling the area (police station around the corner). Too many punks doing one wheel burnouts and what not. Lawsuit is being filed against them. If you are smart you will stay away. A new spot is trying to be found but will be by invite only (to keep the bad ones away).