How may I help?
Pointers?...We'll have to see if I can handle the high-powered beast, first.
I think you can handle it.
Pointers?...We'll have to see if I can handle the high-powered beast, first.
I talked to storm last night,and we both are possibly coming up for a day,I couldn't get a room because I'm not sure info will have to worker not.whats going on Saturday? Any gatherings planned ?
Historically, Friday has been a driving tour of the N.GA mtns (very sporty driving) with some group foodI talked to storm last night,and we both are possibly coming up for a day,I couldn't get a room because I'm not sure info will have to worker not.whats going on Saturday? Any gatherings planned ?
I don't know bro, but maybe this year we should stand around and take pics of each other's "stance"
1. death_roll, Pike Creek DE, (03 Guido35)
you got rid of the wrx?
Yep, gone, kinda glad I did, no need to worry about tuning or ringlands again.
Gave me a good laugh this morning