Well-Known Member
doesn't he have to update the software? how does he do that prior to me being ther?
doesn't he have toupdate the software? how does he do that prior to me being ther?
he wasn't lying.. they were not notified of any software updates. There is no bulletin, tsb, ..whatever. The only way they'll find it is by hooking the car up.
here is my youtube video of my rev hang. when i say "clutch" is when i depress the clutch so you can get an accurate estimate of the hang issue... i think it's pretty freaking aggravating... but it is "working as intended" according to the tech... i waited an hour and a half and he said nothing came back, that it's "up to date"... i'm wondering if he even plugged it in because he didn't seem too keen on what i was telling him to begin with...
My dealer says there is no update for my car since I bought it last October.... I hate this hang issue and asked them about it 2 days after I bought it.
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