Bruce Bartlow
Late apex everything
______________________Got ours done Monday and even the wife commented on the improvement - Rev Hang is gone!
A Sweet Ride is even better.
From my experience Honda is not telling the dealerships anything about this, but if you can get them to plug the tester in the PGM-FI code will pop.
It took me 2 visits, and 2 e-mails, the final one to the owner at Bedard Bros. in Cheshire, MA before the service department "got religion".
The service manager then called Honda and was told an update doesn't exist. The owner then intervened and told them to hook it up - BINGO
Service writer was surprised. Total time from hook-up to leaving is under 20 minutes.
Ours is s/n FB6701137.
OUTSTANDING.. and WAY TO GO!!!... not to mention Rad, bad, bitchin', righteous, way out and groovy!!