Health/Fitness Routines?


Jötunn Moderator
Lew-vul, KY
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It's A Fast Pig!
(I'll post the real secret to getting huge at the bottom. I guarantee if you use it you will get big.)

I worked at a gym for 4 years when I first graduated college and was trying to find a job/figure out what to do. It got me a free membership so it was totally worth it. I was the lifeguard so the pay was not too bad. The best perk was getting to be friends with the trainers and since I was skinny they all wanted to make me work out with them as a "project" so they could say they were the best and had the best training methods. It was seriously brutal. Although I did turn into quite a beefy meatball.

Best split yet so you don't have a tired part being used the next day. It also fits nice in the work week and rotates your day off as long as you go on the weekends.
You don't want to work out your triceps one day and then try to bench heavy the next and wonder why you can't move any weight and your chest never grows.
This was my favorite. We ran an A and B routine changing between them every 4 weeks or so.

4-on 1-off.
Day1: Chest Calves Abs
Day2: Hamstrings Back Forearms
Day3: Quads Shoulders Abs
Day4: Arms (& then anything that needed work)
Day5: Off

Another one that worked well. These are general guidelines, I didn't list any of the warm up sets.
The actual amount of weight is always secondary. Concentrate on getting the right contraction and burn. The pump is what’s important. So pay attention: strict form is extremely important
CYCLE: Two Days On, One Day Off, One Day On, One Day Off, One Day On, One Day Off

LEVEL: Intermediate
GOAL: Muscle Size And Strength

Monday: Chest/Biceps

• Dumbbell Presses: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Flat Bench Presses: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
• Flat Dumbbell Flyes: 3 Sets x 8 Reps
• Cable Crossovers: 2 Sets x 12 Reps

• Barbell Curls: 3 Sets x 8 Reps
• Close EZ Bar Curls: 3 Sets x 8 Reps

Tuesday: Legs

• Leg Curls: 4 Sets x 10 Reps
• Leg Extensions: 4 Sets x 10 Reps
• Leg Presses: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Squats: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Stiff Legged Deadlifts: 4 Sets x 12 Reps

Wednesday: OFF

Thursday: Back/Calves

• Barbell Shrugs: 3 Sets x 10 Reps
• High Pulls: 3 Sets x 10 Reps
• Rear Shrugs: 3 Sets x 10 Reps
• Reverse Barbell Rows: 3 Sets x 10 Reps
• T-Bar Rows: 3 Sets x 10 Reps
• Dumbbell Rows: 3 Sets x 10 Reps

• Standing Calf Raises: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Seated Calf Raises: 4 Sets x 12 Reps

Friday: OFF

Saturday: Shoulders/Triceps

• Machine Laterals: 3 Sets x 10 Reps
• Dumbbell Laterals: 3 Sets x 10 Reps
• Side Dumbbell Laterals: 3 Sets x 10 Reps

• Dumbbell Presses: 3 Sets x 10 Reps
• Tricep Pressdowns: 3 Sets x 10 Reps
• Barbell Presses: 3 Sets x 10 Reps

Sunday: OFF

The real secret? It is making sure you use THIS enough........


Well-Known Member
Santa Cruz,CA
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Man you guys have more resolve than i do. Must be a High metabolism here i am within 10lbs from when i was 19 (12yrs) and i eat junk all the time and pound soda i should weigh 250 by now lol.But do feel i will balloon up if i don't start working out soon.


Avada Kedavra
Super Mod
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3 more days of insanity to go :woowoo:


Grumpy Moderator
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TLX 3.5 SH-AWD Tech
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my exercise plan has gone out the window since this summer


Avada Kedavra
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will there be before/after pics with an insanity shirt? Was the eating plan difficult to adhere to? I know some of those things want you to eat various things every 3hrs or so.
I've been eating every three hours for the most part, at least 4 meals a day with one recovery shake (Endurox R4). The only thing I did not follow was the "recovery formula" from Team BB. Paying $110/mo for 30 servings is ridiculous.
I doubt ill take photos of myself. Maybe after the second round in a couple of months I'll go for the shirt.


Avada Kedavra
Super Mod
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On a "good" day it's the following. Christina's been supporting me and been making a few meals a day for me, but seeing as I don't cook, I had a lot of cold cuts.

Meal 1: Kashi cereal (high protein), protein shake, banana (me)
Meal 2: 1 egg,4 egg whites, quarter cup onions, low fat mozzarella cheese, seasonings omelet w/ 1 cup honeydew
Meal 3: Boars head Jerk Turkey (1/4lb), Chipotle Gouda cheese, spinich/dark greens in a whole grain wrap & an apple or banana
Meal 4: 6oz chicken(garlic salt & seasonings), brown rice, honey glazed carrots (yum) & lots of broccoli
Meal 5: ( MrsJrotax101 actually making this now) Pizza muffin. 4oz chicken, low fat mozzarella, tomato sauce, whole grain english muffin. Brocolli. Banana

On days where she was unable to cook a meal, i'd double up on protein shakes and double or triple up on the meat wraps. ( chipotle chicken, jerk turkey, ovengold turkey)

I love food and the same stuff daily doesn't bore me. It bores her though. Most meals were a variant of one of these. I love brown rice, brocolli, carrots and chicken. That meal is REALLY balanced so no complaints here.


Avada Kedavra
Super Mod
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Give or take. The other meals made were taken from the insanity meal plan too and just changed up a bit. Protein went up in week 4-8. I ate like **** in houston during my recovery week though, lol. Still tried to be good but cheated with cheesecake factory twice, and rainforest cafe.

While she was AWOL for 2 weeks I had maymester at school. 1 class 11a-5pm daily. I'd take 2 meals with me and eat on the way. I could only do cold cuts so would just alternate bird types.

P90X next :D and get back on my bike. I missed riding :(


Super Moderator
Super Mod
Charlotte, NC
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Fiesta ST (FiST)
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Ordered these....

Hopefully I can stick it out with P90X but I really need a better diet.....


North NJ
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Civic Si
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Fiji Blue Pearl Coupe Coolest Member Since: May 15, 2011
New work out routine:

Monday - Chest/triceps/shoulder(light weights)/abs
Tuesday - Back//Biceps/shoulder(light weights)/Lower back/Legs
Wednesday - break or run
Thursday - Same as Monday, but in reverse order
Friday - Same as Tuesday, but in reverse order

-none :giggle:


Avada Kedavra
Super Mod
Vehicle Model
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Ordered these....

Hopefully I can stick it out with P90X but I really need a better diet.....
Where did you get the bands from? I gotta pick some up to start on monday..


Grumpy Moderator
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TLX 3.5 SH-AWD Tech
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Can't wait to get back in the gym regularly


Well-Known Member
New Brunswick, Canada
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Civic Si w/Navi
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I hate diets... or pretty much anything that limits my junk food intake, lol.

The good thing with Cross Fit is that it's a class I have to register for, and the no-show consequence is 50 burpees so it keeps me motivated to go. And while I might think I'm going to die during the workout I feel awesome after! :dancing:
When I just went to a regular gym it was way too easy to talk myself out of going. I think I needed some sort of accountability (besides just answering to myself) and someone to encourage me to try harder or lift more even if I think I can't.