Yeah, I think Mr is getting the Galaxy Nexus at some point :excited:
Dec 4, 2011 Staff #61 MrsJrotax101 Administrator Admin 25,544 10,598 Yeah, I think Mr is getting the Galaxy Nexus at some point
Dec 5, 2011 #62 rippars Well-Known Member 65 66 teh pentagon Vehicle Model Civic Si | TL Tech Body Style Coupe | Sedan they need to hurry up an release it
Dec 5, 2011 #63 dentrecords Polar Bear Vip Member 3,252 2,547 iPhone 4S 64 gig: It's awesome, it's fast, it does not leave me wanting in any regard. I love it.
Dec 5, 2011 Staff #64 Nomar06 Super Moderator Super Mod 7,826 4,938 Charlotte, NC Vehicle Model Fiesta ST (FiST) Body Style hatch needs 4G....
Dec 5, 2011 #66 dentrecords Polar Bear Vip Member 3,252 2,547 Canada doesn't have 4G - so it's irrelevant at the moment. Besides... the connection is fast enough.
Dec 5, 2011 #68 dentrecords Polar Bear Vip Member 3,252 2,547 I don't think so. We're doing just fine.
Dec 5, 2011 Staff #69 Nomar06 Super Moderator Super Mod 7,826 4,938 Charlotte, NC Vehicle Model Fiesta ST (FiST) Body Style hatch Once you get 4G you will punch yourself for having 3G. is that big of a difference, IMO.
Dec 5, 2011 #70 rippars Well-Known Member 65 66 teh pentagon Vehicle Model Civic Si | TL Tech Body Style Coupe | Sedan bleh rarely used the 4g and always had it switched off. was nice tho. you have to factor where you are since speeds will differ. in it more for what the phone does than the service since verizon has been flawless for me.
bleh rarely used the 4g and always had it switched off. was nice tho. you have to factor where you are since speeds will differ. in it more for what the phone does than the service since verizon has been flawless for me.
Dec 5, 2011 Staff #72 Nomar06 Super Moderator Super Mod 7,826 4,938 Charlotte, NC Vehicle Model Fiesta ST (FiST) Body Style hatch I always have 4G in the Charlotte area. Inside my work is a different story somedays, lol.
Dec 5, 2011 Staff #73 webby Administrator Admin Toys For Tots 52,105 22,314 You should do a speed test comparo over wifi to 4g
Dec 6, 2011 #74 CivicDew Well-Known Member 1,632 517 Southern Ohio Our 2yr cell phone contract with Verizon is up! Time to make some changes!!
Dec 6, 2011 #75 dentrecords Polar Bear Vip Member 3,252 2,547 By the time Canada gets 4g, my contract for this phone will be up and I can upgrade again... in the meantime this is awesome.
By the time Canada gets 4g, my contract for this phone will be up and I can upgrade again... in the meantime this is awesome.
Dec 6, 2011 #76 chano Well-Known Member 67 12 Midland,Tx Anyone know about the blackberry playbook? Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Dec 6, 2011 Staff #77 MrsJrotax101 Administrator Admin 25,544 10,598 I've been playing with the Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4g Touch. Running around the house texting people with the microphone Epic win
I've been playing with the Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4g Touch. Running around the house texting people with the microphone Epic win