Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm Joe and purchased a 2013 Civic Si about a month ago to use as my daily driver. I also have a 2015 Chevy "SS". Wasn't sure how I would like the Civic but it has turned out to be great. I can't believe how much fun it is to drive. It only had 25,000 miles on it and the paint and body are in excellent shape. The only thing I've done so far is to have the windows and windshield tinted. My next project is going to be to install XM Radio. The car does not have Nav and I've been looking at the module that Honda has that installs into the factory radio. Been talking to my local dealer about prices and the process. Looking forward to being a member of the forum.
Welcome Joe!

What do you have done to the SS? I know a few people with them. One buddy had a new one (believe '17 White 6-speed SS) that he had for a few months but sold it back to a dealer for more than he paid. Once they stopped production I guess dealers wanted them because they know they can make money on them. He swapped Holden parts on it when he had it but of course took the Holden parts off before trading it in.