Well-Known Member
PS: Why so mean to the new guy? He hasn't posted since you called him out... :-(
I agree with Bootyluvr here. Yes, it was hard to understand what he was saying and would be great if he dropped the bro-speak on the forums but I do hope that he comes back. One thing I've learned from where I work is that you shouldn't really judge someone based on a small glimpse of who they are. Sure he COULD be a car douche that crosses the yellow and coats his car with ground effects. OR he could be a normal guy who talks like that to his friends and thought he was making friends here! ( Maybe I'm just overly patient because I work with young people and frequently get emails that read like his posts. )
One thing I will say is that his posts were all friendly and enthusiastic. That's something that I really liked about him. He even said that he wanted to learn. Plus he has a 9thgen and loves it so much that it's his forum name.
I'm not trying to start a fight here since I am also really new and you guys have been so nice to me. But I DO think we should give him a chance and get to know him.
That's my take on it.