2012 9thcivic.com Tail of The Dragon I - Chat, Pics and Videos thread

The DWS was my "snow tire" that I used on the blue WRX given we didn't have much snow at all, it wasn't bad at all, great all around performance even in 10" of snow. Keith would agree. I've been itching to try the PSS though.
I have yet to get to play with them in snow, i try to avoid going out before the plows come through cause other people are idiots
I have yet to get to play with them in snow, i try to avoid going out before the plows come through cause other people are idiots

:1: It'll be bad here because one mild winter and everyone forgets how driving in snow is.
:1: It'll be bad here because one mild winter and everyone forgets how driving in snow is.
You should experience Georgia drivers when it snows......Geez! The first hint of a snow flurries and they're racing to the grocery store to stock up on bread & milk. I've often wondered if its a GA tradition to make french toast when it snows!:screwy:
You should experience Georgia drivers when it snows......Geez! The first hint of a snow flurries and they're racing to the grocery store to stock up on bread & milk. I've often wondered if its a GA tradition to make french toast when it snows!:screwy:

It's tradition here also with bread & milk, but it starts when they're calling for more than 3".
yeah well u tried to offend me judy and it didnt work no im not mad but i know how to hold my own ok what u thought after what u said i wasent going to say somthing back ???
i never tried to offend anyone and if i did i always opoligized because im not here to be a dbag thinkin im better than others ok talking about peoples age and having jobs lol
who says i drive like a douch ??? i never said that to anyone here ????
thats the way i text ok but exuse me that u dont aprove of the way i talk bro ..
Honestly WHAT DOES IT MATTER ON HOW I TALK ! i have been nice to everyone here
and people wanna talk crap lmao !
oh back to that other comment u made with the age sh*t !

Bro im gonna be 34 i work for the government making over 80k a year wich pays for my house for my daughters schooling put food on my table and payed for my fiance's $10k ring And bought my SI not financed or leased title in hand JUDY and u wanna try to abuse somone u have no idea what there all about ?

that sounds like dbaggery to me man !

also with over 2000 posts u should know better then to treat people like that ok
because that first comment u wrote i would expect from a childish newbie on this forum so since u wanna act like a newbie here this is for you enjoy !!!!! :bighug:
welcome newbie and notice how left top hand coner says 9th civic not 9th subaru ok u dont like what i have to say then dont read ty
The DWS was my "snow tire" that I used on the blue WRX given we didn't have much snow at all, it wasn't bad at all, great all around performance even in 10" of snow. Keith would agree. I've been itching to try the PSS though.
yep. DWS make for great snow tires with AWD.
I'm gonna be rolling on Nate's old 18" wheels + nokian hakkapeliitta rsi tires with about 7/32 still left, I think I'll be fine.
and my opoligies to other subaru owners ok this is ment for judy !
he wants to say his peace now i said mine !
he opened this :worms: so its whatever !
im done !
ours is just at the "hint" that we might be getting them :shadyhat:

DC area is the same, hints of snow and panic sets in. Cant say upstate NY is any better though, everyone up there goes "PSH! im from upstate NY, i can drive in anything" as they do full speed through town with compacted snow turning to ice everywhere
DC area is the same, hints of snow and panic sets in. Cant say upstate NY is any better though, everyone up there goes "PSH! im from upstate NY, i can drive in anything" as they do full speed through town with compacted snow turning to ice everywhere

Time to start my sourdough starter :rockwoot:

I'll just wipe out all the flour :rotfl:
DC area is the same, hints of snow and panic sets in. Cant say upstate NY is any better though, everyone up there goes "PSH! im from upstate NY, i can drive in anything" as they do full speed through town with compacted snow turning to ice everywhere

It's about 50/50 here in PA, snow heros or people that flat out panic at a snow shower.

I have no idea how Delaware will be if we get snow, I can't imagine it's good.
Honestly WHAT DOES IT MATTER ON HOW I TALK ! i have been nice to everyone here
I really don't feel like getting back into this, but I feel the need to comment. I've mentioned it in a few of your other posts that it was difficult to understand what you had written. It has nothing to do with you as a person being nice/mean or whatever. I don't know you from anyone. I just mentioned that it was difficult to understand. I think there are others who are in the same boat. When I have to read something 3+ times and I'm still unsure what's being said, it's frustrating. Nothing more
webby yours was understandable but the way he came at me was not the cool way to do it thats all.... i mean no disrespect to u or others in this forum
his method was mean and others agree on it but i just dont want him to think that because he opened his mouth the wrong way that im gonna sit here with my tail between my legs just because he probably had a bad day .
I'm telling ya...the Continental Extreme DW is a good choice! They wear well, have great grip dry or wet, they're quiet and they are reasonably priced. Check them out!

:yeahthat: I loved the DW's and I still have tread to last next year... Defiantly will get another set..

I really don't feel like getting back into this, but I feel the need to comment. I've mentioned it in a few of your other posts that it was difficult to understand what you had written. It has nothing to do with you as a person being nice/mean or whatever. I don't know you from anyone. I just mentioned that it was difficult to understand. I think there are others who are in the same boat. When I have to read something 3+ times and I'm still unsure what's being said, it's frustrating. Nothing more
