2012 Civic MPG - share your current gas mileage

Totally not happy with my mileage...When we got the car 12,000 miles ago we got 34.9 MPG....Now we're down to 30.5 and no change in our driving habits.....That's with the ECO on which makes us totally gutless...Its a 2012 EX....We ran every different octane available here to no avail...Should I use a fuel additive of some sort or run this thing into a wall...
Great site..Very informative...

OK , I need to correct my dates on how long ago the epa set some standards..... And found this link on how all this stuff works...... It's 3 pages, I feel it's worth reading the whole thing.

Also I forgot to say leave it in cruise control on the test drive.
Also as others have mentioned before, the cold temperatures really take a toll on fuel economy. Right now I'm at 1/2 tank down and am only averaging 23.5mpg.
I have a 2012 civic Lx, 5 speed auto. It's terrible on gas ever since I bought it. I wrote Honda Canada and they had no response. It gets 8-9 liters per 100km easy driving , one passenger , 70% highway. With a roof carrier we burn 12 liters per 100 all highway. (Two adults two kids). Worst tank, 350km for 44 liters, best tank 540 liters all highway one passenger at 100km per hour. We had it 8 months now. It you drive on a flat road , cruise on 90km per hour car empty no roof rack, no air on, summer time we can get 6-7l. The 5 liter advertised is impossible under any condition. We always have the roof rack off unless on a trip. It burns an extra 30-40% and its a new sleek Thule model, not oversized. My 2005 Camry was better on gas.
City winter fuel economy: I live where it's cold, every morning is on the average -16C, the car idles at least 1/2 hr every day going to and from work, it never really stays up at temperature for long.

With winter additives in the gas, and a cold engine most of the time, I am still returning 9.2L/100 kms in the city. I haven't done any highway driving with it for a few weeks, and the mileage has reflected that. But, that 9.2L/100 kms is with the car idling 1/2 average in the morning, maybe 15 minutes before coming home, and a round trip of around 20 kms.

This works out to 25.57 US MPG with the idling factored in.

Imperial MPG = 30.70

Under inflated tires can cost you 10% on fuel economy.
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293miles 1 tank 27mpg yeah baby. 80%+ coasting the speed limit. so worth it. i feel like im robbing myself cuz i got an si and i want to drive like a senior citizen ~_~. maybe till i get a valentine 1
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2012 Civic EXL 32 - 33 mpg, 80 miles highway driving daily to work on fairly flat Kansas Highway always with Econ on. Very disappointed with gas mileage. 13,400 miles. This is the 5th daily driver Civic I've owned, probably going to be the last. Really wish I had gone with the Hyundai Elantra limited.

What speed do you tend to drive at? Has a lot to do with MPG on most cars..
Here's our latest figures:

2012 Si.
have you ever done the actual math to see how it compares to the display mileage?
have you ever done the actual math to see how it compares to the display mileage?
On my to-do list. I gotta fill up as per the pic only got 78 mi left. I'll try to remember to keep track this time I fill up.
I know a few people have done it to compare. Just curious how much different yours is. Mine definitely changes from tank to tank. Sometimes it's within 1mpg, and others it's been 4mpg plus or minus.
Log all of my fuel ups in an Excel sheet. Been getting high 30s lately in my R18. 85%+ highway ECON on + cruise control. 65-75MPH speeds.
If anyone wonders, I broke it in fairly hard, couple of high RPM runs during break in.

2012 SI Sedan

If I drive like my grandmother, I can average around 29.5-32.0. (Actual manual calculations) computer comes back around 28.0-28.9.
Driving it like it's supposed to be driven, i'm hitting between 23-25
Ditto. 2012 SI = 35mpg absolute max going downhill with a tailwind and no throttle. Otherwise, 25-30 depending on you know what. Very happy it can do 32 MPG at a steady 80mph. In another Honda went through Montana when they didn't have a speed limit. Did 1100 miles in a single day in just 10 hours. Average speed: 110MPH. Average MPG --- 13, and worth every penny.
hit 34 mpg after changing my oil in the Si
Everybody should get better mileage as these typically tight Honda engines loosen up. Give it at least a few thousand miles.....