323's Build

@Dennis Rockholt - Spacer discussion directly above.

@323 - Dennis is considering some spacers. I pointed him here and suggested he ask you about particulars since you are running some. Also which spacers did you end up going with? Did they have the pre pressed studs or did you swap yours out for extended? With the 20mm spacer is the stock stud flush with the top of the spacer or is it sligthly sunken? I am curious if you could run a 15mm spacer or if the stud would stick out and prevent the wheel from being mounted fully.
Lots of questions! Lol ok
20mm Garage Line spacers
Pre pressed studs
Slightly sunken
I'm really not sure how much 5mm would affect the fitment...
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Quick question for you more experienced Honda people... If I install my 1000cc injectors and new fuel pump, will I have to get a tune right after or will they work just fine?
On the 8th gen people said :

"In FlashPro open your cal. Go to calibration, select Fuel and enter currrent injector size. You'll need to get latency values for 1000cc injectors from vitviper or someone".

@VitViper would prob be the one to confirm its the same on the 9th gen.
Awesome. How do the bushings feel? And I knew you'll get the sc. Lol.
Awesome. How do the bushings feel? And I knew you'll get the sc. Lol.
I didn't take it for a test drive because it's raining and the adhesive on the visors need to dry, but I can't wait to feel the difference
The small 10mm? It's best to use a handle socket driver so there will be little torque and less risk of breaking a bolt.