9thcivic Tail of The Dragon Meet September 13th-16th 2012

i am going up on the 16th this month for the day if anyone cares to go...

If I go up there it's for at least a weekend. I can't drive 5 hours for a single day

According to ETF the roads suck until April. That includes n ga roads too, because the gravel.

E30, FA5

That's no good. I really wanna make it up there before it gets too crowded, or after it calms down for the year
booya, i'll go up on the 16th then back on the 17th, track day on the 18th the
Oh yeah. My 15 year wedding anniversary is on the 21st.

I really hope I am feeling up to the trip this year.
I can't wait until I can get back in shape and do some track days.
I wish I could go, living 10 hours away sucks :sadbanana:
Don't worry. You will get your chance.
I hope the roads are ok. You have to be careful this time of year, due to the gravel. GA gets scared with any sign of precipitation when the weather is in the 30s.
I was in Baltimore this past weekend and they received a dusting of snow on the grass (roads were wet) , yet there was more salt on the roads than PA uses in one year.
I was in Baltimore this past weekend and they received a dusting of snow on the grass (roads were wet) , yet there was more salt on the roads than PA uses in one year.
It has been a very mild winter here. I think it was in the 70s last week. It has only been in the 20s/30s a few times.
I'll create the official attendee list tonight, the registration will probably still be $35 as always