George Zimmerman Trial?

MMA training or not...people can still use deadly force without a weapon.
I've had 20yrs of training in Martial Arts, I'm a small woman, but I could be deadly.
Pounding some ones head against the cement is deadly, why do MC riders(the smart ones) wear helmets and is required by law in a lot of states.

The only way to get away from racism is to judge ppl and events on a one-on-one basis, and leave colour out of it.

They were talking about white ppl clutching their hand bags, locking their car doors when they see AA's(which also needs to be dropped), how about just being American(instead of being a separatist). I lock my door if I see someone getting near my car no matter what colour they are, that's me trying not to get in a mix with any bad sorts, I'd rather not have to use my .357.
Lets make this much more simple... It was proved this TEENAGER was unarmed. And a grown man shot him....that speaks volumes to me f*** all this "thug" and racial talk.

mclovin, would you accept this wording, which is similar to yours? " An unarmed teenager, exhibited thug-like behavior, when he attacked an armed man by punching him in the face and slamming his head into the concrete sidewalk. Whereupon, the legally armed grown man shot and killed the unarmed teenager, who had shown himself to be a thug, in self-defense."

I believe the substitute wording more accurately reflects the facts and the truth. Isn't the truth that matters? The truth trumps political correctness every time.
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MMA training or not...people can still use deadly force without a weapon.
I've had 20yrs of training in Martial Arts, I'm a small woman, but I could be deadly.

You do not look old enough to have had twenty years of training in anything except maybe, "How to Look Younger Than Your Age"
You do not look old enough to have had twenty years of training in anything except maybe, "How to Look Younger Than Your Age"

That's not me in my profile pic...lmao I do look much younger than my age though. Most people think I'm 16.
I'm 25. It'll have been 21yrs in Nov.
I've seen first handed what a beating of someone in a defenseless position can lead to. If Trayvon had Zimmerman in a full mount (not sure if he did or not), there's not much an unskilled fighter can do at that point but get pummeled in the face.
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I've seen first handing what a beating of someone in a defenseless position can lead to. If Trayvon had Zimmerman in a full mount (not sure if he did or not), there's not much an unskilled fighter can do at that point but get pummeled in the face.

Someone who is smaller in size would still be at a dangerous position at a full guard.
Yo..... Bruce Lee was small......... Think I'd need a gun...........
Yo..... Bruce Lee was small......... Think I'd need a gun...........

Bruce Lee was also considered a deadly weapon, like how boxers, mma fighters, etc are.

A professional fighter can be considered as a deadly weapon by a court of law. I think the court considered Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s hands as deadly weapons when he beat his wife.
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Bruce Lee was also considered a deadly weapon, like how boxers, mma fighters, etc are.

A professional fighter can be considered as a deadly weapon by a court of law. I think the court considered Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s hands as deadly weapons when he beat his wife.

And a 17 year old (reportedly football player) is no small, defenseless child. That's a nearly full grown man.
I dont think anyone could reasonably agree the protesting is because they think Trayvon was "innocent" or "defenseless". Just going by what the protestors have said, its because they feel there was an injustice in the outcome of the case as a whole, and that the case set a rather uneasy precedent, and I think that's a fair argument to be had.
I dont think anyone could reasonably agree the protesting is because they think Trayvon was "innocent" or "defenseless". Just going by what the protestors have said, its because they feel there was an injustice on the outcome of the case as a whole, and that the case set a rather uneasy precedent, and I think that's a fair argument to be had.

Lol The vast majority of the protestors haven't a slightest clue how our legal system actually works. Instead of protesting and rioting against the acquittal of a man that broke no laws, they should try to do something productive politically. Maybe challenging mandatory minimum sentence laws, which are directly aimed toward minorities and the poor? That would be a start.
Lol The vast majority of the protestors haven't a slightest clue how our legal system actually works. Instead of protesting and rioting against the acquittal of a man that broke no laws, they should try to do something productive politically. Maybe challenging mandatory minimum sentence laws, which are directly aimed toward minorities and the poor? That would be a start.

No one has said Zimmerman broke no laws that night, this case did not decide that either. The only thing this case decided was that he was innocent of the laws he was charged with, according to the evidence and sworn testimony. That is all.