Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

Reply back the lowest you can go is $11,500. You might as well waste his time.
Lol. Too late. I just replied no thanks. He replied with 15k. I said no.

There's about 8 9th gen sis for sale within 1000kms around me. Mine is the cheapest.
Worked half a day yesterday to go the US National Whitewater Center since the wifes work was having an "event day" there. She had free access to all the stuff they do there and I had to pay for my pass.

We both ended up rafting and rock climbing over a pool. Basically free climb but when you drop, you go into a pool. Wife also did some zip lining and ropes course thing.

They USNWWC had 2 kei trucks for work vehicles, lol.
if its buried in snow chances are i wont have to go in to work, and my neighbor loves his snowblowers and often clears my driveway in the middle of the night for his own entertainment
seems like you can benefit from a car blanket lol

around ~930 dollars with the exchange rate.
I'm a frugal, I've been waiting for marketplace to have a charcoal BBQ for sale for a few weeks. One came up but it was too much money. So I gave in and bought one online shipped to my door. 2 days later the same BBQ comes up for sale on marketplace.

Got a 22inch Weber kettle premium. I considered getting an offset smoker because I mostly smoke with it but they are either way too much money for a good one or the cheap ones are flimsy.
with some creativity and firetape you can get decent results on a cheap offset smoker
Did some yard work today….trimmed the bushes and brought in some mulch.

Getting the house ready to sell. Gonna list it the first weekend in August.

New house won’t be ready till mid to late October but we are wanting to catch that last month of buyers looking to move before the school year starts. We are in the #1 school system in the state so it’s a hot market over here.

Might have to rent the house back or move so something temporary before the new house is done.

Did some yard work today….trimmed the bushes and brought in some mulch.

Getting the house ready to sell. Gonna list it the first weekend in August.

New house won’t be ready till mid to late October but we are wanting to catch that last month of buyers looking to move before the school year starts. We are in the #1 school system in the state so it’s a hot market over here.

Might have to rent the house back or move so something temporary before the new house is done.

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Is that a cement pig in the mulch?