Official Computer Talk Thread

Ran across a good one in an audio forum I am on...

Originally Posted by BassThatHz

Someone tried to hack my computer today. LOL, you will LOVE this story!

Some random number called me and said they were from "Microsoft" and said my computer had "viruses on it" and they wanted to help me "remove" them.
They asked me to go to some website and download/install an app.
I pretended to be a dummy and played along, apparently they had me install a bi-directional AES encrypted RD agent off a website.

I have to hand it to them, they were smarter than I guessed they would be...
So my computer is totally poached right?

Ah... but they made one fatal mistake... they had NO CLUE of the level of computer skills that I possess.

This whole time I was installing their software on a false virtual machine, with network packet sniffing software activated, behind 5 firewalls, and a host-level VPN tunnel linked in a foreign country.
(and a couple other things I could tell you about, but would then have to.)

So long story short, not only was I able to reverse their phone number back to their VOIP carrier, I know the ISP carrier of their internet proxy server, and the business address of the agent software they had me install (which is a PayPal-enabled ecom business service linking back to their bank account) and I have the ID of that session, and I just submitted all of that info to the FBI.

But meanwhile, they don't even have ONE SHRED of intel about the very system & network that they were "trying" to gain access to.

Oh... and before I ended the session with them...
I informed them that they just attempted to breach into the National Security Administration network; I then listened to the sound of them sharding in their pants. Which they did.

I will see to your Microsoft, and raise you several FBI agents.

My computer is having some issues... Im not sure what this means when it does this. Usually a restart fixes it. I have the latest drivers for the vid card.... no recent updates so they have been in place for long before this started happening. Sometimes its just small images and sometimes its the whole dang page filled with random colored lines. Anyone have any ideas?

My computer is having some issues... Im not sure what this means when it does this. Usually a restart fixes it. I have the latest drivers for the vid card.... no recent updates so they have been in place for long before this started happening. Sometimes its just small images and sometimes its the whole dang page filled with random colored lines. Anyone have any ideas?

All browsers or just that one?
No other ones even work anymore. Chrome stopped working. I don't use IE. Firefox was a last resort.
No other ones even work anymore. Chrome stopped working. I don't use IE. Firefox was a last resort.

Sounds like you have some bigger issues. Have you ran CCleaner and/or a registry cleaner? Honestly when my computers get to that point I take everything in my user folder dump it on another drive and reformat/reinstall.
My computer is having some issues... Im not sure what this means when it does this. Usually a restart fixes it. I have the latest drivers for the vid card.... no recent updates so they have been in place for long before this started happening. Sometimes its just small images and sometimes its the whole dang page filled with random colored lines. Anyone have any ideas?


something is def going on - see the message at the top? "prevented this page from automatically redirecting to another page"?

I'd give malwarebytes a shot. It's free, and it'll scan your system for issues.
Yeah, thats the first thing I tried. Ive run a bunch of different things. I have firefox set to not allow anything. I know someone who uses my computer likes to play "free games" on it..... I have my suspicions and Im just not interested in reformatting again. I was hoping someone would have an easy fix like graphics settings.
+1 to malwarebytes.

When's the last time you formatted that drive? I'd back up your stuff and do a clean install if Malware bytes didn't work.

Free games = adware/malware/spyware
Yeah, thats the first thing I tried. Ive run a bunch of different things. I have firefox set to not allow anything. I know someone who uses my computer likes to play "free games" on it..... I have my suspicions and Im just not interested in reformatting again. I was hoping someone would have an easy fix like graphics settings.

Trash Chrome and Firefox and run a registry cleaner and select those entries for removal, reinstall the browsers and see if they have the same problems. What's going on with Chrome that it just doesn't work?

Also, SpyBot sometimes picks up things that MB did not.
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but why would it be trying to redirect you off 9th unless the browser was compromised by some virus/malware?
Yeah, that bar is pretty much there all the time but there is no redirect if I click allow. Nothing happens. Comp is like 12 years old though.... its due to be replaced.

I tried the reinstall on chrome. It just has a blank page that says "aww snap Chrome has crashed."
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You try a rollback? I have found that alleviates most infection issues.