stilletto's Garage

What took you so long? I saw your SnapChat pic a few weeks ago with them on or on your work cart and was like didn't know he never used them.
I honestly don’t know. I slipped on some ice in a Customers Driveway a couple of weeks ago and landed right on my left knee. Been wearing them since. They’re a bit bulky but I had to get Non-Marring Gel ones cause God forbid I scuff someone’s hardwood. I think either Duluth or Carhartt offer Cargo Pants with sleeves you can put pads in. I might look into those.
What’s the going rate for a slightly used R on TEs these days?
Yeah, I haven’t even been over there since I parked it. Just check my Find My App (AirTag) once a day to make sure it hasn’t moved. I bought a generic car cover off Amazon but we've been in a Polar Vortex so I’ve been lazy.