The NASCAR Thread

Why is the first mandatory pit stop flag under the all-star race bracket green not yellow?
Probably has to do with the length of that first segment being 50 laps. If you look @ the pic again that they have to go @ least 25 laps before making the mandatory pit stop.
Simmer down, no need to get your boy shorts in a wad.

Regretfully I know it will die like all the other NASCAR threads just like on other forums.
No it won't. We shall keep it alive! We have to!

Aww, the FedEx guys just shaved their heads on live tv. Well the one guy was already balding.. but the other one.. full head of hair.
:rotfl: Kyle broke his car after the burnout contest.

Carl Edwards doing interviews for SPEED before the Showdown Driver Intros. He's good.
Hopefully he learned something for next week. Considering he came from the rear and got that far we know he's capable of driving hard.

Hahaha you still watching the In Car Cams.. it's hilarious.
Check out these Driver Intros.... The Smoke Machine is a bit much. I can't see. Was trying to see what the FedEx guys' hair ended up as.. :giggle: