Turbo+ AWD!!!!!

Fvcik the hurricane... Its only raining here and a liittle wind.... Just drunk like me and dance the night away.... . Nathan out!!!!!!!!
bother or no......

I can buy my same exhaust with 3.5" dual tips and sell off my 3" tipped exhaust. I know I can sell my exhaust quick, let's say I get half price for it ($150+) and the larger tipped exhaust would be $300
good thing the storm was ripped apart after hitting NC

do not do, no matter how tempting it is (I won't say how many times I have done that... some fckers don't pull off ever)

4" of rain in Binghamton, NY (halfway between NYC and Buffalo) with flooding and some power outage
9" of rain in Danbury, CT with widespread flooding and widespread power outage