Welcoming new members

pure hotness... welcome to the site! Cali backdrop?
So Bored at work guys i look out the window and shes all alone askin where's my daddy ???
i feel like crying :pout:
Tapatalk works, but it's a paid app. Photobucket, imageshack.us, & tinypic all have mobile uploads, but you need to sign up with an email accnt.
Hi everyone. I just drove home in a Rallye Red '12 sedan last night. I've had my heart set on an Si for about 3 years now but wasn't in a position to buy until now. Since I drove it home so late I only have one bad cell-phone pic and it was already starting to get dark. I'm also slacking at work right now so I'm just going to have to make due with this brief introduction and single pic. Glad to be a part of the site.
welcome! Any plans for your new ride?