i have a hard time not being at work, it seems to be an addiction i cant shake. I cant do the drugs anymore so i just focus on work. i have also had someone on my mind the last few days.....not sure why. i really need to get back to work to clear my head
thanks webby, i just hate unfinished buisness and i cant for the life of me figure out why i am still not able to let this go. i dont want to bring dreama to peoples lives i have had enough to deal with due to that whole stituation i got myself into. i have been happy keeping to myself since i cut ties with them. i miss them both i wont deny that but in the long run i did what i had to do.
i am not getting much sleep cause i can only sleep in certain postions with a pillow between my knees. i fully wake up when i have to turn to get comfy