the guy i got jack from wanted 2500 bucks, but thankfully he was into tuning civics as well so he gave me a deal......i miss drinking beer sorta...i was a fun drunk
unless the wheels are coming from a store itself I really don't trust people to pack things right... My SI muffler is a example, the guy packed it in 3 different boxes and used a crap load of tape and not a inch of packing material, be actually used a old external HD box to protect the tip...
yeah even then i dont trust shipping company's to pay attention to the Fragile sticker put on boxes......i am hooked up here where i live for wheels and tires so i stay local. save the hassle
I have only missed doing 1 inventory in almost 12 years at this company. Thankfully i only have to audit it this time around and not do the data entry.