Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

HOA can increase depending on what amenities are what it takes to upkeep the building and depend on inflation in your area.

For example.....if your building has a pool. A pool company comes out and I'm sure their materials and costs go up year over year so they charge more to clean the pool. So eventually you see a raise in HOA dues.

Multiply this by any other upkeep items in the building....

Other times dues can stay the same if you management company worked out a multiple year contract with vendors and if they shop around the needed services from time to time to make sure their go-to vendor isn't charging more than another vendor that could do the same job.

Or they stay the same if the owners vote not to raise dues and are willing to come out of pocket if a large expense come up. Say the entire exterior needs repainting and its gonna cost $100,000. The HOA owners can vote to raise the dues for $100(or whatever) a month until that $100K is paid off then the dues go back down. Or keep the dues the same and do a special assessment which means every owner forks out $1,000(or whatever) one time to just pay off the $100k all at once.

Then you can get into reserve funds....but that's a whole other conversation.....

I didn't realize HOAs were more like actual homeowner groups with local leadership -- I thought they were basically just synonymous with 'Your housing area's administration'. This is good information -- Thanks!
That's just the feels like temp... lol

35C (95F) here tomorrow BEFORE the heat index lol

It's summer so it's expected and there are worse places lol
In case you hadn’t heard. It gets hot in the desert southwest during summer.
I didn't realize HOAs were more like actual homeowner groups with local leadership -- I thought they were basically just synonymous with 'Your housing area's administration'. This is good information -- Thanks!

H.O.A. = Home Owners Association

HOAs are made up a few people that live in each community/neighborhood/building(usually called 'a board', as in HOA board members), which are voted in by the entire community to give up their time(board members do not get paid) to make sure the property looks nice and clean and is in "well working order". Usually managed by an HOA management company(an outside company) on behalf of the homeowners for a fee. An HOA essentially collects money from each homeowner to take care of the day to day expenses for upkeep of the property and any major repairs that the property incurs.

HOA board members are "guided" by bylaws that are made up once an HOA is created when a new community is built. These bylaws are sent to the city and state so to have a third party that would rule over any HOA decisions if an HOA board is found out to be running the HOA erroneously. These bylaws are given to any new person that buys a property that is in an HOA(so you know what you get into before you even purchase a house.....if people read them at all, lol).

I would say try to buy in a community that does not have and HOA. It's way less headaches but this means you have control over your own property but then you can't complain if your neighbor paints their house pink or doesn't mow their lawn. But then city and state ordinances can come into play, but thats another story.

Not having an HOA means you have a bit more money to spend on purchasing a place but you maintain it.

With and HOA, you might not be able to spend as much on the initial purchase price, since you have to pay X amount to an HOA on monthly/quarterly/or yearly basis(however the HOA is set up as), but then you don't have to worry about certain upkeep items depending on if you live in a high-rise, low-rise or a home.
WOW!.....only 10 homes available(20 more that are pending) in the Dallas area that are not in HOA, under $225k, under 2250sqft with 2 car garage. Only 2 looked decent enough to actually buy, lol.

Maybe 10-15 more outside the Dallas city limits.

This is from a search
Some like hoa’s for amenities. There are some around here with their own private tennis courts, pools, playgrounds, restaurants, bowling alleys and more. Some do your landscaping, mowing, snow shoveling etc. In exchange for being able to use all of those things you pay monthly, quarterly, or annual fees to the HOA.
That's just the feels like temp... lol

35C (95F) here tomorrow BEFORE the heat index lol

It's summer so it's expected and there are worse places lol
It sounds hotter. That's why I use it. You know this.
High of 75f ( feels like ) here today.
It sounds hotter. That's why I use it. You know this.
High of 75f ( feels like ) here today.
We have a "heat advisory" for tomorrow and Friday... Limit your time outside yada yada
"Red Alert between X times of the day so conserve energy by turning off lights and ****"

Y'all hear about officials asking for people to not charge their EVs in the areas where the temperatures are higher? lol :rotfl:
We have a "heat advisory" for tomorrow and Friday... Limit your time outside yada yada
"Red Alert between X times of the day so conserve energy by turning off lights and ****"

Y'all hear about officials asking for people to not charge their EVs in the areas where the temperatures are higher? lol :rotfl:
- It is so hot in Maricopa County, Arizona, that people are being brought into the emergency room with significant, sometimes life-threatening burns. For the past three or four weeks of this record heatwave, people have been burned just by falling on the ground.
Every single one of the 45 beds in the burn center is full, he said, and one-third of patients are people who fell and burned themselves on the ground. There are also burn patients in the ICU, and about half of those patients are people burned after falls.
- It is so hot in Maricopa County, Arizona, that people are being brought into the emergency room with significant, sometimes life-threatening burns. For the past three or four weeks of this record heatwave, people have been burned just by falling on the ground.
Every single one of the 45 beds in the burn center is full, he said, and one-third of patients are people who fell and burned themselves on the ground. There are also burn patients in the ICU, and about half of those patients are people burned after falls.
When I was a child, we would joke about it and actually do this - cook eggs on the pavement because it would be 118F outside and the ground was crazy hot that’d burn you.
totally. I've seen people "baking cookies" on their car dashboard and stuff to show how hot it is
Sure hope Elon can figure out his star ship because I don't know how much longer earth's got.
WOW!.....only 10 homes available(20 more that are pending) in the Dallas area that are not in HOA, under $225k, under 2250sqft with 2 car garage. Only 2 looked decent enough to actually buy, lol.

Maybe 10-15 more outside the Dallas city limits.

This is from a search

Yeah, the whole city scrambles whenever a house under 300 comes up for sale, then we recoil as we find that it's basically condemned.
Some like hoa’s for amenities. There are some around here with their own private tennis courts, pools, playgrounds, restaurants, bowling alleys and more. Some do your landscaping, mowing, snow shoveling etc. In exchange for being able to use all of those things you pay monthly, quarterly, or annual fees to the HOA.

I wouldn't mind one if there's like a pool or something... I'd enjoy having amenities around.
We’re having a golf tournament today too. I’ma working stiff though. Multiple concurrent meetings today. Might take part of the afternoon off