Poll: What type of phone do you have?

What type of phone do you have?

  • Android

    Votes: 83 47.4%
  • iPhone

    Votes: 84 48.0%
  • Blackberry

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Feature Phone

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • Dumb Phone

    Votes: 9 5.1%
  • Landline

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • No Phone

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • Windows Phone

    Votes: 1 0.6%

  • Total voters
no bootyluvr... he hates apple and ken block. That's why he said he felt sorry for you having an iphone.
Oh lol I was gonna say.

I'll say one thing, people can hate on apple and the iphone all they like, but mine has never let me down in the 3+ years of ownership and still works like the day I got it. Every time I turn around one of my friends is having to replace their f'd up droid or blackberry.
I finally got the ICS downloaded onto my phone and I do not like it at all. I don't know if its just being different than I am used to or what. But luckily or unluckily I had to get a replacement because my speakerphone went out and now I am back to the old OS.
I finally got the ICS downloaded onto my phone and I do not like it at all. I don't know if its just being different than I am used to or what. But luckily or unluckily I had to get a replacement because my speakerphone went out and now I am back to the old OS.

Probably because your not use to it. I've been using ICS since December when I got my Galaxy Nexus. :)

I want Jellybean! 4.1
Probably so. I guess maybe one day I will decide to put it on my replacement, maybe once Jellybean comes out for it if it ever does.
Got my ICS update this past tues, so far feels the same as GB except for the minor changes, using the stock ICS launcher instead of touchwiz
Figure I'd just add this here, as talks about apple/samsung lawsuits were brought up in another unrelated thread.

How do you guys view apple/samsung in their fight over copies? If you aren't aware, apple is suing samsung over copying designs/products since the release of the iphone.


^^ pretty self explanatory graphic


^^ charging port apple / samsung
Below - wall plug samsung / apple





^^ smart covers compared


^ packaging of tablets compared







thoughts / comments?
^interesting, I just think apple just wants the publicity. I mean when one company has product that sells well than another company will try to mimic it in their own way. Sure the styles are similar but with the way android OS has been coming along the interfaces are starting to be unique. plus with the way technology is a newer style is bound to come out soon to make it different. That's just my opinion. BTW i got my Galaxy S3, love this phone!!
I think cell phones are all just personal preference. Personally I have a iPhone 4, but I've looked at the galaxy s3 a few times now and the phone seems smooth and quick. And the screen is impressive. Don't think you can go wrong with either at this point. :)
While Nishibori apparently looked to Sony for inspiration, it’s important to note that the resulting designs and mock-ups included in the court filing did not look like any actual Sony phones of the time.
you have to admit that the two are very very similar...to the point of laughable. I mean...down to the wall plug.


what other company has a plug like this,... basically every android phone uses usb.


I totally get it's preference.... and to each their own. It's just hard to look at even these two items and say one didn't copy the other.
I think Samsung helped with parts for the first few iPhones if I'm not mistaken. Not sure what will happen with the whole lawsuit thing, but they are both good companies.
this was the info on the iphone 4. Samsung supplies Flash Memory, DRAM memory and the applications processor

its a heated debate on some articles in the comments, me i could care less if they look alike, both are good products, I have a macbook pro at home, and use a ipod touch for music. Just think apple is going overboard with all these patents they want to approve. gonna interesting how it all turns out.
TechCrunch reports that it has received word from a Verizon employee that the carrier is imposing a company-wide vacation blackout from September 21 through the end of the month, a timeframe in line with the rumored September 21 launch for the next-generation iPhone in the United States. Apple is expected to introduce the new iPhone with a media event on September 12.
I personally don't want to support apple because of there patent attempts. Honestly who cares if someone makes things that look or function like yours. That's a bit of a compliment isn't it? Compete through innovation and quality not lawsuits. You can't deny that apple products have really become top notch but when they start patenting and sueing for the way an app drawer functions and so on that's just a little overboard. Kind of like patenting oxygen or something. They have a sense of entitlement like none other. Consumers need to realize that vocalizing concerns does nothing to these major corporations. The only way to be heard is to vote with your wallet. That's the reason I don't own an apple product now, as much as I would like to. My 2 cents.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
I don't know if he's on here (I know he was on that one website I can't speak of) but I was on Reddit and saw a picture in the Galaxy Nexus Sub-Reddit and clicked it and was like cool pic.. wait an Si... Then saw who posted it.

Gonzo is the person

Here's the pic. Cool pic
