DIY Replace fog light bulbs with LED, stock replacement or HIDS or any kind of bulb

Has anyone used the xenondepot 6000k hid kit for their low beams? If so do they have any advice or pics for DIY? I'm going to install mine tonight. I'll post pics when it's complete. Probably going to take the bumper off so that I get a clean fitment for the ballasts + easier access to the lights.
My hands didn't fit through everything and I'm always scared I will have s bulb that blows out. Removing the bumper let's you seeevery with better access and knowledge for future parts in the area
sounds good, i'm going to take it off than. I'm going to start shortly. i'll try to remember to take pictures. Thank you!
I have big hands and its fairly easy. Passenger side is a piece of cake once you get your hand in, a bit of a squeeze. Driver side remove the battery and its cake as well.
you do not want to run HIDs in your high beams. The bulbs take a while to warm up, and it has to fire the ballasts each time you flick the highs on/off. You'll end up killing the high beam hid's much faster that way. Get a kit for your low beams 9006. If you want hid's in your fogs, you'd need a 2nd kit.
you must go with halogen xenon style for the 9005... in my case i put yellow 3000k eurolite for the 9005
It's probably better to get the Halogens anyways. The LEDs give a code to the i-mid and you need a decoder for it as well. And if you want them to really stand out you need another wire to bypass the "DRL" and make them run as if they were the hi-beams