Slow but SERIOUS build thread


Keeping it silver. Anyone know if grfxp can make a custom sticker that I could put over the ivtec badge?
Submit a custom order and they should be able to hook u up
The rain is on and off.

It's sunny then a quick rain storm hits. It did that like 2-3 times today. Lol.
I think I saw that MS3 on Passaic Ave.
turned out great

Thanks webz! I just use a little cheap cannon point and shoot cam lol I'm dying for a real photoshoot

I think I saw that MS3 on Passaic Ave.

There's not many MS3's around here. His has a couple stickers in the back mostly stock. Looks good though.....exhaust gets here tomorrow!!!! :-D I'm working tonight 11-7 and I refuse to sleep tomorrow morning when I get here lmao last thing I need is to be sleeping when the UPS man gets here.
I'll be there before 5pm! Let's get this done!