The official "Ask a Detailer Thread"

FYI. Detailed Image has broadened it's "Find a Pro Detailer" network to include more than just authors of the blog. While all the AAP Authors are obviously top notch, the others have established a long term relationship with DI and are recognized as reputable pros too. ;)
I saw that on AMMO's channel on Youtube.
You want to use them on the glass first to break them in as they can marr the paint when they are brand new...after that they should be good and I've only has a few paints where light marring occured. Clay is capable of marring as well so I always recommend a light polish after claying. ;)
RaskyR1 Hey I was washing my car and decided to let the water on the windows dry while I was waxing as I figured i would just go over it again with windex to clear the drops. However when i went to clean the windows, the outlines of the water drops stayed on. any ideas?
The real answer is as often as needed but it super subjective. It really depends on the wax you are using or like to use and how often you want to do it. Sealants can be just as easy to apply and last a bit longer.

What are you currently using or are you looking for suggestions? Got your eye on anything in particular?
I just actually waxed my car for the first time today. Using Meguiars Gold Class Liquid Wax. I dont mind doing it at all, just want to know that if I wax too often will it mess up the clear coat
Good info by Nix.

No such thing as waxing too often....but at some point the law of diminishing returns comes into play. ;)
Hey Rasky... I don't know if you can answer these or not. A couple detail forums have been less than helpful......

Do you know anything about the new Optimum Opti-Erasers? I'm looking to switch over from clay to one of the new products and I'm stuck between the SM Arnold Speedy Prep Towel and the Opti-Erasers.

From what I read, without trying either yet, I can use any clay lube and I should be ok? I've got lots of the Dodo Slippy concentrate left.
(Other than the nano-skin stuff that says to specifically use their glide lube)

For the Eraser..... It says if it has contaminates on the face to wipe them off with a cloth? Would a dunk in water be better?

And lastly... with the Prep Towel... since I refold and get new pieces of clay to "bury" the contaminates so im not scraping them back against the paint.... Do I need to occasionally clean off the towel? Dunk in a bucket or just spray it off? Or do they particles become embedded in the towel and you just use it until you need to replace it?

Thanks man.
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Any recommendations on how to deep clean the windshield? I have these "spots" that only show up when it's raining and the wipers swipe on the glass. Makes the windshield kind of "blurry".
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Any recommendations on how to deep clean the windshield? I have these "spots" that only show up when it's raining and the wipers swipe on the glass. Makes the windshield kind of "blurry".
This is a add on, more of a question, but wouldn't claying the glass be the way to go?
Yea, I think im going to get the speedy prep towel but its like $60 and the opti-eraser is only $20. Much rather lose $20 on something that isn't that great or well tested yet. The reviews on the towel seem good so far.
yeah, I've never messed with them. I've never actually heard of them until he made that post.