Two explosions hit finish line of Boston Marathon

I feel bad for the injured/dead and their families.

I can't watch/hear any more coverage/news/media since it makes me very angry and sad.
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Well...there is the face of that poor dude. That site took the horribly graphic image down to blur his face. This isn't so graphic. He looks terrible. :(

This is Terrible I live 20 minutes from Boston and the railroad I work for is having a huge expo today. They are now expecting a quarter less of the people than who we're supposed to show up.
The Greg hill foundation is donating to the 8 year old boy who passed and his sister who is in critical condition. If any of you are interested.
11:50 p.m. ET: ABC News can confirm that one of the people law enforcement officials are talking to is a 20-year-old Saudi national at a Boston hospital. Sources tell ABC News that he is here legally on a student visa and that his visa is clean with no apparent criminal history.
Boston police tonight, at a news conference, said that there are people they are talking to, but no suspects.

12:07 a.m. ET: ABC News’ Aaron Katersky reports the working theory about the bombs, according ti Massachusetts law enforcement, is that they were small, crudely made devices hidden in bags or backpacks, planted either during the race or immediately prior and detonated remotely, possibly with a cell phone. Officials here have subpoenaed cellphone records.

12:47 a.m. ET: Sources tell ABC News authorities are looking for any friends and associates of the 20-year-old Saudi national.
1:30 a.m. ET: Teams of federal and local law enforcement agents searched an apparently vacant fifth floor apartment on Ocean Avenue in the Boston suburb of Revere just hours after a pair of bombings at the Boston Marathon, residents told ABC News.

6:15 a.m. ET: ABC News’ Boston affiliate WCVB reports the 8-year-old victim has been identified as Martin Richard. A single candle was placed in front of his home overnight in Dorchester, Mass.
6:34 a.m. ET: ABC News has confirmed that at least 145 are injured following the Boston Marathon attack and 17 of those are critical injuries.
Could this be part of North Korean attacks that we were warned about?
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If I had to guess I would say this is domestic terrorism since no foreign terrorist group has taken credit for it yet. They are usually pretty quick to take credit for what they do. Whatever the case im ready to deploy where ever is needed and do my job. And to end on a lighter note an american sniper was once asked if he felt anything when shooting enemies. His responce was yes I do feel something. Recoil.
And I know this situation is horrible, but we were lucky they were not very good ied makers. I've seen the effects of well made ieds and spent a year and afganistan with a working dog trying to find ieds and these were very minor ieds. Still a horrible situation but it could have been significantly worse. My heart goes out to the familys of the injured and killed. And very glad that my family in boston are safe.