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Hey Rasky... I don't know if you can answer these or not. A couple detail forums have been less than helpful......
Do you know anything about the new Optimum Opti-Erasers? I'm looking to switch over from clay to one of the new products and I'm stuck between the SM Arnold Speedy Prep Towel and the Opti-Erasers.
From what I read, without trying either yet, I can use any clay lube and I should be ok? I've got lots of the Dodo Slippy concentrate left.
(Other than the nano-skin stuff that says to specifically use their glide lube)
For the Eraser..... It says if it has contaminates on the face to wipe them off with a cloth? Would a dunk in water be better?
And lastly... with the Prep Towel... since I refold and get new pieces of clay to "bury" the contaminates so im not scraping them back against the paint.... Do I need to occasionally clean off the towel? Dunk in a bucket or just spray it off? Or do they particles become embedded in the towel and you just use it until you need to replace it?
Thanks man.
I've not tried the Optimum Erasers yet but I did order the CarPro PolyShave Decon Block, just haven't tried it yet. For the Prep Towel I have been spraying it with Glide after each section, probably a little wasteful of product, but a dunk in the water would probably do the same, though it would be saturated with water then. (note you don't want to wring out these towels).
For the block I would maybe dunk it in water and wipe it with a towel, just to be sure you are removing anything that may be clinging to the block.
Wish I could be more help, just haven't tired the blocks as I've been so happy with the towel.