Official 'What did you do to your car today?' Thread

Could it be the manufacturer of the stock rotors or something else?
It could be any number of things. I'm guessing the brake structure is not beefy enough. Also, I notice mine are grabby... when I apply the brakes they don't really grab initially, then all of a sudden they're grabbing too much.

It's a bit of an annoyance, but the good news is they have absolutely stopped the vehicle in every emergency - when I've needed them.

Hoods Done !!!
my fiance and i :bighug: in the garage for about 3 1/2 hrs doin it but came out pretty decent lol
Vinyl CF overlay?
cant really tell from dat angle so ill take 1 later when i break for lunch in a diff angle
Thnks Kenny .
hey i did it for speed niks and itll be on over the winter so ill keep u informed ok :thumbsup:
Less chance for the hood to get crows feet. :giggle:

I washed my car today. It will not be raining for the next 7 days! :woot:
Here's my latest mod. I ordered this leather wheel skin and sewed it onto the wheel over the weekend.
I had the choice of colours and types of leather(perfed or solid), this is what we came up with.

If anyone decides they want to do on for theirselves I'll give you a run down on how to install........ it's more involved than most would think......... having a background in these things is helpful.


i really wish u guys had ur stickers in diff colors :( like red or black